Astilla Prime number is Gara Prime'south signature weapon, throwing terrifying shards of glass at enemies that shatter upon impact, ripping them to shreds.

Getting your hands on the Astilla Prime number Relics is pretty standard, then in this guide, nosotros volition become through the exact Relics that you need, and some of the best places to farm them up for new players who are eager to add her to their collection of Warframes.

Astilla Prime number Relics

The important thing about farming for Primes is knowing which relics to look for while playing the game. The following Relics contain the various components you need to build Astilla Prime and we besides show you the rarity of the component. Don't forget, the rarer the component, the smaller the chance that you volition be able to get the part, and then it may take longer to farm unless you get lucky.

  • Butt – Lith A4 – Rare
  • Receiver – Axi N7 – Common
  • Stock – Meso T5 – Uncommon
  • Design – Neo T4 – Uncommon

Astilla Prime Relic Farming

Y'all can earn various Relic types by doing different activities. These are some of the best activities, in my opinion, to earn each blazon of Relic.

  • Lith – Hepit in the Void. A quick Capture practically guarantees a Lith Relic upon completion. You spend a short corporeality of time in this mission.
  • Meso – Io on Jupiter. A Defense force mission, the A rotation has a very high gamble of dropping a Meso Relic. Do ten waves, then leave and repeat for Meso farming.
  • Neo – Xini on Eris. An interception mission. The A rotation is a guaranteed Neo Relic.
  • Axi – Xini on Eris. The B and C rotations on this Interception will drop an Axi Relic. This area allows you lot to subcontract Neo and Axi relics at the same time.

One time y'all take them all collected, take your Relics into Void Fissure missions through the master Navigation screen to open them. Information technology shouldn't take you long to track down all the Relics you need to get Astilla Prime. Don't forget to go to the recruiting tab in the conversation and find groups that are trying to open the Relics to observe the same pieces you are, as it will dramatically cut downwardly on your farming fourth dimension when opening them. This is especially useful when trying to unlock the rarer components, as anybody in the group can run the same Relic infused to the best level.